We have a very special guest this week! Someone who has been working towards fitness goals for her entire life. Someone who has struggled with injuries, setbacks, had to stop working through pregnancies, eating disorders, and even weight-gain. Through everything she prevailed, and still to this day is running in 5k’s 10k’s, half-marathons, and full marathons. It’s an honor to be able to introduce Amy Balash. Mother, coach, runner, and overcomer!
Amy was a distance runner all through high school. She ran 2k’s, which is the furthest distance race they have. She continued to do this in college. During this time, she had an incredible coach. He discovered that Amy had an eating disorder, which she had developed in her junior year of high school, and he helped her through defeating that, and he even got her running in longer races because she was healthier. She even hit her two personal goals for her 5k and 10k times for her last two races as a college runner.
As her life continued, she ran into some different circumstances that set her back. She had pregnancies that had complications where she couldn’t run, and a couple of injuries that set her back. During this time she had some weight-gain, and wasn’t feeling great. She even had an identity crisis because of how big of a role running had played in her life, and when she wasn’t running, it was a mental struggle.
At this point, she came into our lives, mine and Cyndy’s, and started working with us at Journey Fitness. She started training with us to lose the weight and get back into running like she wanted, too. After her weight started to come off, she started running again, and to this day her 5k and 10k times are about the same, and she has even shaved 6 minutes off of her marathon times! An incredible feat for someone who is 20 years older than they were when they set their personal record in college!
Amy is still working out with us at Journey, she’s still running, and she’s coaching other people through the process of their own fitness and running journey. Tune into our podcast to hear about her mentality, her tenacity, and the mindset that has carried her through her running successes.
Amy, thank you so much for coming on the podcast and sharing so much of your story! We got very deep with things that had happened to you. You being so open and honest with us and our audience can only help them or their loved ones. Overcomer Nation, check out this full interview, there is so much good that can be learned from Amy and her experiences! And thank you, Amy, for being such an incredible guest!
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