Logan Peters is many things. He’s a coach, a trainer, and he’s an owner of his own Journey Fitness. He owns the storefront in Ithaca, and he goes in everyday wanting to help the people in his community become healthier and improve themselves. This isn’t just a passive interest that he’s taking in it, either. Logan himself has an incredible weight loss journey.
Logan has lost over 100lbs. When he was younger, he was overweight and out of shape. It always weighed heavily on his mind. There were things that he missed out on, or never even took the opportunity to do, because he was self-conscious and felt like he couldn’t. He eventually had a moment where he couldn’t get on the roller coaster because no one could get the safety harness to buckle for him. He decided that he wasn’t going to let his weight control him, he was going to control his weight, and that his fitness would no longer get in the way of him living his life.
That started his journey down the path of fitness. He actually had always wanted to help people. He had worked with troubled youth, he had gotten a degree in social services, but he quickly realized that even though these were things that could help people, the environments were very negative. He eventually got into working at Journey, and he realized that this place was somewhere that helped people, and everyone wanted to be there. The coaches, the owners, the clients. It was all amazing energy. That was when he decided this was going to be his career path. He could help people and be in a place where everyone was positive and working on themselves and supporting each other.
The rest, as you can imagine, is history. Logan worked at Journey, and eventually started leading a store, and then purchased that store. He works everyday in Ithaca to help people get into shape, lose weight, and feel better about themselves. All while continuing his own fitness journey.
Check out the full interview with him to see how inspiring his story is, and how inspired he is by everyone in his life and in his gym. Logan, thank you for talking to us today, and thank you for always being an inspiration. We’ll talk to you soon!